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Trinity University Highlights Rich History During 150th Anniversary Celebration


Trinity University is 150 years old, and its history is vast.  

The school has had many homes. Originally founded in Waxahachie, Texas, the school was asked to move to San Antonio the day after the Pearl Harbor bombings. It now resides on the North Side of town, at the site of a former quarry. A number of buildings on campus were designed by famed architect O'Neil Ford, including the Murchison Tower. 

"For those of you that are alumni," said Trinity President Danny Anderson, speaking to a crowd at the Ruth Taylor Fine Arts Center.  "You bear that legacy of 150 years."

A ribbon cutting was held, that involved the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, and San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenburg. A luncheon for Trinity graduates of 50 years or more was held, and a number of alumni attended, including 1952 graduate Martha Utterback, who recalled the day the school moved to its current location.

"Well, we just sort of posed with boxes on our shoulders," said Utterback. "It was an old campus, but a wonderful one. I met friends that I'm still in touch with, great professors. It was a fine, fine school."

Jim Herrington is a 1959 graduate of Trinity and traveled all the way from his home in Delaware for Alumni Weekend and his 60th reunion.  

"It was a third of the size it is now, and we lived in the men's dorm down the hill," said Herrington. "It wouldn't have been a good thing with this cane because it was 60 steps or so to the main campus."

The National Parks Service named the campus a national historic district in 2018.