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Artscape Reimagined 2017 Scheduled for the Dallas Arboretum

Spring Activities announced at the Arboretum

April 28-30, 2017: Artscape Reimagined 2017: A fine art and crafts show and sale

May 12, 2017: Celebratory Awards Dinner and Auction Honoring an Arts Contributor

Artscape Reimagined 2017, Dallas Arboretum’s juried fine art and fine craft show and sale, brings together outstanding artists from around the country in one of the most beautiful gardens in the world, according to Architectural Digest. Delight in the joy of spring at this amazing show, featuring a variety of mediums including painting, sculpture, 2-D and 3-D mixed media, photography and more. New elements this year are a university zone with artwork, Dallas galleries featuring artwork for sale in the DeGolyer House, and an awards dinner on May 12. Opening earlier in April, ZimSculpt, a world renowned exhibition of modern Zimbabwean stone sculptures, will also be on display in the garden as the largest collection ever featured in the U.S. with more than 200 hand-carved pieces, which are available to view and to purchase.

On May 12 at 6 p.m. at Dallas Arboretum’s Rosine Hall, Artscape continues with a celebratory awards dinner and auction to honor a top arts contributor. Betty Crawford and Frankie Horn are co-chairing the dinner, and Heritage Auctions will host the online auction. 

 Artscape Chair Kaki Hopkins and her committee are planning this year’s art show to be an unforgettable masterpiece. Some members include David Dike, of David Dike Fine Art; Brian Shivers, past board chairman of the Dallas Arboretum; Patricia Meadows, well known arts consultant and appraiser; Robert Bellamy of Robert Bellamy Designs; Salvador Impastato of Studio Outside; Judy Gibbs; Michael Faircloth; Michael Jenkins, among others. More information can be found at

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