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Differences in Medicare Advantage Plans

For the past year there has been endless commercials on TV talking about benefits one can receive by joining a Medicare Advantage Plan.  In these commercials’ words are thrown around, such as FREE and NO Cost….but is it true? I’ve had a number of people call me wanting to know if they can get a plan that offers the benefits that they talk about in these commercials. My response is: It depends on where you live and in some cases your income. The important thing to remember is all Medicare Advantage plans are different. One-way Medicare Advantage Plans differ is by the service area they cover. Some plans are for people who have both Medicare and Medicaid. Some are geared toward people who use the VA. Others are for people who are looking for freedom to pick their doctors. There are so many choices and it can be confusing as well as over-whelming, because we all want the best bang for our buck….right? There is more than just areas of service and doctor options when picking the right plan. Extra benefits can be helpful, but before enrolling ask questions such as; Will my doctors take the plan, are all my prescriptions covered?  The benefits these commercials are talking about are real but not necessarily for every plan out there. On October 1stMedicare will release information on 2021 plans and their benefits.   Starting October 15thto December 7thyou will a chance to decide on what plan will give YOU THE BEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK! Contact Dee Nordentoft, Local Licensed Independent Sales Agent,, 512-750-1052 for more information.

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