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Theatre Arlington Presents the International Hit Visiting Mr. Green by Jeff Baron

Theatre Arlington is thrilled to announce its upcoming production of Visiting Mr. Green, the beloved drama with a cry for humanity that is absolutely sublime in its expression. 


This is the story of a recently widowed Manhattanite, Mr. Green, who wanders into traffic and is nearly hit by the young Ross Gardiner. Ordered by a judge to fulfill his community service by assisting Mr. Green once a week, Gardiner finds himself caring for the elderly man, and what begins as a comedy about two men who can barely stand each other becomes a beautiful drama about connection, family, friendship, and forgiveness.


Theatre Arlington Executive Producer Steven D. Morris is directing two Dallas-Fort Worth favorites, Mr. David Coffee as Mr. Green and Mr. Parker Gray as Ross Gardiner. Of this production, Steven D. Morris says, “It is a treat to be able to work on this beautiful production with two of the best actors I know and this incredible design team.  This is a must-see production.


With a expertly designed apartment interior set designed by Kevin Brown and costume design by Karen Potter that appears effortless, this play will bring you into the world of Mr. Green, completed with sound design by Ryan Simon and lighting by Bryan Stevenson.


Join us in this beautiful experience as we learn how to live with–and care for–each other with laughter and tears at Theatre Arlington! Group rates are available for parties of 10 or more.


Visiting Mr. Green will open Friday, Sept. 13th at 7:30 pm and will close Sunday, Sept. 29th at 2 pm with the following schedule:


Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 7:30 pm

Sundays at 2 pm.

For more information and to purchase tickets:

Box Office: 817.275.7661